Bodrum Beatz
/Our first night out in Bodrum was the fairytale dinner scene I previously posted about. What I didn't mention was that we went to Billionaire club afterwards til the wee hours of the morning and could barely get out of bed the next day. So tonight was especially impressive, the fact that we even made it out was a huge W.
My outfit for tonight is a pretty big deal as it is my first snakeskin print anything, like ever in my life. I actually have a pretty bad phobia of snakes so have been hesitant to purchase, but when I saw this dress I literally couldn't not buy it. I stumbled into a sample sale on the way home from work one day near Union Square (one of the many reasons I love NYC) and decided to poke around as I was specifically on the hunt for a sheer night time beach dress for Bodrum. I literally darted for the dress, didn't even try it on, and purchased. It was too perfect. Paired with a black Victoria's Secret bathing suit top and high-waisted American Apparel bathing suit bottoms- thank god because we danced our asses off at Barbeast for about 6 hours straight and I was drenched in sweat by the end of the night. Paired with strappy black sandals to keep it sexy but knew we would be going to a deep-house club later and heels would have been way too much.
Barbeast was recommended by our hotel concierge who was apparently really well-versed in the deep house music scene, as are we. If you didn't know what you were looking for you would have walked right by the venue. The door was nestled in-between a few other large night clubs and covered in vines. As we entered we walked down a narrow hall which opened up to this incredible space- couldn't have fit more than 100 people- buried under the trees with an opening for the moon to shine down on us. The music was UNREAL. I want to cry just thinking about it. I have never danced so hard in my life it was like an out of body experience- Bodrum music scene is ON POINT. If I am ever lucky enough to make it back to this city, you can find me at Barbeast.